Wednesday, June 25, 2008

UFO Across The Mersey

I've just clocked this post on the BBC web-site: BBC NEWS | England | Close encounters over Mersey which contains some rather dubious footage of some "mysterious" lights in the sky over the Mersey last night.

Not in itself particularly interesting thought I, until I watched the Flash vid associated with it and caught the snippet taken from de-classified MoD report regarding some blokes apparent contact with an alien life-form called Algar.

I for one, would like to be the first to offer my condolences for his great loss, with Algar being killed by another race of beings. Let's hope this doesn't cause some kind of inter-galactic war.

BTW, if you're interested in tracking down the original Algar report and other completely bonkers reports of lights in the sky, space cows, ray umbrellas and erm...visitations, then check out the National Archives page here.

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