Wednesday, June 25, 2008


OK - so this is my first blog post ever (even though I've been working in the IT sector for something like 13 years now); so right up front I'll apologise to all of you readers for my slightly less than polished writing style.

To be honest, I don't even read many blog articles myself and so I'm not 100% certain what mode of speech is regarded as cool within the blogosphere (is that the correct word?) - I'm just going to try and be as spontaneous as possible, and try not to inject too many expletives
into my postings.

The purpose of this blog? Well, simple really - it's nothing more complicated than just having somewhere that I can use to put down my thoughts, reflections and rants about various topics, many of which will probably seem trivial, a lot of which will seem irrelevant and hopefully a few of which might be interesting enough to merit reading by your good selves, and at least perhaps give you something to think about (or sympathise with or rage against).

I understand that this blog engine has a commenting facility built in, and to be honest I'd more than welcome comments (no matter how inane, no matter how blunt or derogatory); I've a pretty thick skin and above all value the right of others to have a healthy, hopefully grown up discussion on any particular subject. Get personal with me in your comments and I'll get personal right back at you. You have been warned :)

Given that I've never really done this before, this blog won't have (or at least I don't think it will at the moment) a specific subject area - I've quite eclectic interests and tastes to be honest, so expect to see some fairly wide and varied posts on here.

That's about it for a starter - I've just started my working day so need to get cracking with my day job, I'll put up my first "real" posting later on in the day.

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